It's a nice looking car , it seems to be widely advertised in classic cars magazine and the internet , I'ts strong money for a 2000 sedan but if you compare it to other mundane classic car saloons on sale at the moment it looks like good value .
It would be interesting to see if there is anyone outside the Lancia fold willing to take it on .
most people shopping for a classic saloon car in Britain or Ireland would be looking for a simple home grown product like a Ford or Vauxhall , Unless they are into superb engineering and fine build quality it wont be on their radar.
The 2000 saloon was my first Lancia love when a neighbor had one in the early 70s , Iv'e been smitten ever since .
The crunching gearbox doesn't sound great nor does the noisy exhaust , but if you were to restore one to the condition the body is in you would surely spend in excess of £8,000.00 .
It's worth bidding on but don't get carried away