For many years it has taken ages to fill my integrale - basically having to dribble in the fuel - I've tried everything to get it to work and have asked when it's being serviced but never found the root cause. Yestreday it went for it's MOT after a 6 month extension ( passed ) and afterwards we got it on a ramp to try and solve the problem. Always interesting to have a good look around under your car and poke things to make sure it's all good.
Anyway, the attached photo shows the breather pipe as it comes from the fuel tank ( above the near side inner CV joint on the rear drive shaft ) which a rather nice kink in it. So the tank dropped the was dropped the pipe taken out and re-routed back properly without any kinks. We also stuck a camera down the fuel pipe to make sure that all looked clear which it did ( butterfly valves were open )
( also I've attached a diagram with an arrow pointing to the pipe .... )
The pipe wasn't labelled so it may not be original and it looked to be just straight and not a specific shape ... so maybe at some point the came off and was re-fitted with the kink ... I remember the problem starting during my ownership but not when .....
The proof came 10 minutes after refitting when I took the car to the local petrol station and filled it up within a few seconds

I've seen the this problem written about a few times so hopefully this will give owners somewhere to look if they have a same symptoms