Hi Lee,
Shouldn't really be a problem with your handbrake, must admit mine has always had long travel but it will stop the car quite effectively on it's own.
It has a seperate set of pads for the handbrake that are adjusted sperately, big problem with the Series 1 brakes are that they must be kept up to scratch and clean other wise they seize.
If you take a rear wheel off, or even use a light shining through one of the ventilation slots in the wheel you will see a big adjuster bolt with a slotted screw head that you turn clockwise (if it's not seized) until the pads contact the disc, then back off one third to one half a turn to give minimal clearance.repeat for other side. Be very careful with this,

if you have a problem with it not turning, DO NOT FORCE

strip & clean.

PS. The pads aren't that weeny, have you ever seen the 10p piece size ones on a 2CV