« Reply #75 on: 08 September, 2021, 07:52:54 AM » |
Thanks Tim. That's the paint sorted. I appreciate the info. I had a 818.302 engine in the car when I bought it. The original 818.303 engine also came with the car, but in pieces. I have rebuilt the 303 as the block had been sleeved to original spec and the 303 head has bigger valves than the 302 (more efficient apparently). I had to mix the pistons to get a good set. Some from the 302 and others from the 303. My understanding was that the 302 pistons were the same as the 303. So that should be fine.
Is there any info on minimum head thickness. Maybe the head has been skimmed too many times.
I did notice that the valve cutout on one of the pistons was slightly damaged, but was told that it was acceptable I think it was #4 cylinder (top left in the photo). I have been uneasy about the timing and redone it using all the methods that you all posted on the forum, but still this "ping/twang" noise persisted. I'm wondering if I should take it apart and check everything again. Will I be able to reuse the head gasket, which has never been run before
« Last Edit: 08 September, 2021, 07:55:26 AM by Keithver »
'72 series 2 Fulvia 1,3s
Permanent resident
Posts: 1487
« Reply #76 on: 09 September, 2021, 08:44:26 AM » |
I think I would enlarge the round holes to fit. The oval is near enough.
David Wheeler. Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).

Posts: 569
« Reply #77 on: 09 September, 2021, 12:07:32 PM » |
Just a thought: the valve timing can be out if you timed the system for a 303 engine and you have a 302 engine. Note that the max valve lift is substantially different in these two cases, Andrea
Andrea Nistri
Ardea S2 Appia S2 Fulvia GTE Fulvia Sport 1.3 S Fulvia Montecarlo Fulvia Coupe 1.3 S
« Reply #78 on: 09 September, 2021, 02:33:47 PM » |
Hate to say it but the 303 and 302 pistons have subtly different domes with 303 having higher compression ratios. I think you will need to go through it all again.
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v
« Reply #79 on: 10 September, 2021, 04:15:57 PM » |
Success and happiness  . I have got rid of the engine noise (twang). I got down on my knees (no, not to pray) to listen to at the sump while I turned the motor. Sure enough it seemed to come from there. On taking the sump off I found that the 6 lock plates that hold the crank casing where making the knocking sound. I had bent the tabs up against the bolt faces, but I hadn't squeezed the plates completely up to the housing sides. Hey presto! the noise has gone Andrea - the engine is all 303 Tim - If there are a combo of 303 and 302 pistons, does that mean that the compression on the 302 pistons will be lower than the others. Is that a problem, or are there other things that I'm missing
'72 series 2 Fulvia 1,3s
« Reply #80 on: 10 September, 2021, 08:03:33 PM » |
Tim - If there are a combo of 303 and 302 pistons, does that mean that the compression on the 302 pistons will be lower than the others. Is that a problem, or are there other things that I'm missing
not ideal! 302 engines are 9.0 cr and 303 are 9.5 due to piston crown….
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v
« Reply #81 on: 15 September, 2021, 08:43:17 AM » |
Hi Tim. Sorry for only replying now. I don't seem to get email notifications anymore. How bad will it be running the engine like this and will it cause damage. Will it just have slightly less power?
'72 series 2 Fulvia 1,3s
« Reply #82 on: 15 September, 2021, 02:11:10 PM » |
I cannot say definitively yes to your questions but I would recommend you build it with the correct set of pistons.
Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart? Lancias: 1955 Aurelia B12 1967 Fulvia 1.3HFR 1972 Fulvia 1600HF 1972 Fulvia Sport 1600 1983 HPE VX 1988 Delta 1.6GTie 1998 Zeta 21. 12v
« Reply #83 on: 19 October, 2021, 08:01:53 AM » |
Very slow process at the body shop as he works on the car when he has a chance. There is little for me to do until the body comes back finished. He has repaired the passenger side 'C' pillar rust (see photo) and wants to fit the rear screen to make sure all is lined up before he completes this section. When I delivered the screen to them I noticed that it has a slight dish to it. How is it fitted correctly. Dish in or dish out. I'm sure it doesn't make a difference right now, but would like it correct for final fitting.
Another item. I wanted to renew pieces of the wiring and presumed that the unmarked wire sizes on the wiring diagram would be 1mm. After Buying the 1mm and comparing it to the original, it seems as if the original is 1,5mm. Is this correct. (Maybe the plastic coating on the new wire has just got thinner over the years.) Should the minimum wire size be 1,5mm.
Thanks again for all the help so far
'72 series 2 Fulvia 1,3s
« Reply #84 on: 18 March, 2022, 02:53:43 PM » |
I haven't posted for a long time because progress has been very slow at the body shop. It seems as if all the metalwork is now complete. They are busy getting the lines right and the panel gaps. See the photos. There are not many bits left to repair or trim strips still to polish - hopefully she will return soon looking better than new 
'72 series 2 Fulvia 1,3s