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Author Topic: Lambda....the journey begins!  (Read 119062 times)
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Posts: 560

« Reply #255 on: 25 December, 2021, 12:05:32 PM »

And again four weeks went by.  Sort of last minute I found that some of the brake shoes had too much play on their pivot pins to my taste, so I decided to have them bushed.  Sadly the machinist took a little longer then promised, and for a two hour job the shoes were gone till yesterday.....
Of the shelf 20mmx23mmx30mm bushes where then quickly pressed in, and this morning I could'nt wait to test the brake lining tool!  All went well, and in two hours time both sides of the rear axle were fully done.  The big advantage of this approach is that all can be fitted in one go, backplates and all, since no adjustments need to be made afterwards.
Hopefully tomorrow the rear axle can be finished and fitted!

Merry Christmas to all!!!!


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Posts: 560

« Reply #256 on: 23 January, 2022, 07:36:19 PM »

O O, time for an update!  At least the rear axle got mounted under the car in 2021, albeit the very last day!  The rest of the holidays more real work then planned got in the way of the Lambda restauration.  However the past week Covid intervened, and twe were all under house arrest!  A good thing having the workshop at home it proved once again!

Some serious work was undertaken the past week in fitting and adjusting the front brakes, mount new bearings in the front hubs, and fit all together.  The track rod I made was too wide by 15mm, so there was no other option then start over and make another one....
I then finally fitted the engine and gearbox, checking all fitted together with ease, and double checking on the clutch operation.  The shaft between the gear lever and the box proved 4mm too long so had to be slightly shortened to get the gear lever to be perpendicular to the tunnel in neutral.  After this the brake compensator shaft couldf be fitted as well, making the lower end of the engine compartment almost complete!
Fitting the rear shock absorbers required some adjustment to the body, as there was not enough room for them to move freely, which was resolved by making a special spacer moving them slightly outwards and removing a bit of the body!
I then could not resist making a probe fit of the carburettor and air filter, and check choke and accelerator connections, as these still need to be adusted and painted.
I also took a lot of time fitting the steering wheel and advance control mechanism, as, due to a fault in the parts manual, where a little spring is shown in the wrong position, the whole steering shaft had to come out again to correct this...the disadvantage of assembling a car without having disassembled it.....
But al in all huge progress has been made the past week...mind that almost every bolt fixing these components had to be made, since no bolts came with the project.  It is a quite time consuming matter, since I want to keep all the treads BSW like original so modify long M8 bolts by cutting new treads....
An intermediate task was to give the underside of the rear mudguards a good thick coat with underbody protection, as I fear the aluminium will be dented quite easily by little stones thrown against it by the wheels.
Next week I hope to pick up some wheels and then the first task will be to bring the car to the radiator man to get the radiator made properly.
Getting closer!!!

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Posts: 574

« Reply #257 on: 23 January, 2022, 07:59:50 PM »

Super impressive. Great work on a lovely project.

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
Permanent resident
Posts: 1487

« Reply #258 on: 25 January, 2022, 10:05:08 AM »

BSW bolts are available from several suppliers in the UK.     (Post Brexit it may be easier for you to make them rather than try to import them of course).

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
Posts: 560

« Reply #259 on: 25 January, 2022, 07:10:38 PM »

Yes indeed I did (pre brexit) order some and also castelated nuts etc in various sizes, but sort of forgot about certain items, or did not have sizes available at that time yet.  It now however is very expensive to get small items over, and just does not seem worth the hassle....

On threads: does anyone know the thread size in the valves underneath the two little tanks in the engine compartment?  I need to find some way to connect the tubing to measures 14.8mm in diameter and is 20TPI or 1.25mm pitch, and I don't seem to find anything that comes near.....

Posts: 468

« Reply #260 on: 25 January, 2022, 08:41:54 PM »

Could it be 9/16TH INCH X 20TPI British Standard Cycle thread? It would be a bit undersize 9/16 = 14.29mm.
Tracy tools have taps and dies:-

Have  a browse, they have a lot of info and most sizes, although not M15x1.25.
If it is for carbon steel (Grade 8.8 like most bolts) rather than brass or aluminium, or mild steel buy HSS taps and dies not carbon steel as the latter will wear out or not even cut.

Mike Clark
« Last Edit: 25 January, 2022, 08:48:47 PM by Mikenoangelo » Logged
Posts: 560

« Reply #261 on: 27 January, 2022, 08:01:50 PM »

Thanks Mike, spoke to Iain in Oz today and it is very probably 15mm with 20 tpi....there is a lot of very odd threads on the Lambda!  I think the easiest will be to cut another thread on the taps, as I need to connect the fuel pipe with a union nut, not so easy to make that....(at least not for me!)

Today spend the day on the carburettor rebuild.  Thought that was rather a simple affair, but it amazed me!  Luckily it al came apart and everything was very dirty but in good shape, even completely no play on the butterfly shaft.  They sure did use other material standards back then!  It is just so nice to clean it all up and re-assemble...still thing we have the most satifying hobby in the world!

Is there any one who knows what jets should be in the 8th series 38HK carb?
Posts: 587

« Reply #262 on: 28 January, 2022, 11:22:46 AM »

Zenith carb jets

Available from consortium

* carb jets.jpg (585.87 KB, 2080x1560 - viewed 234 times.)

Don Williamson
Member 111 joined 26th July 1963
1917 Theta 2str
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Posts: 468

« Reply #263 on: 28 January, 2022, 10:07:12 PM »

Lancia were not alone in using unexpectec thread sizes. Bugatti used 7, 9, and 11 mm among others including BSP (British plumbing pipe size) for the trackrod ends  of the Brescia, even described as "gas" on the works drawings. BSP was in recent years still used for plumbing iin France.
Mike Clark
Posts: 574

« Reply #264 on: 29 January, 2022, 03:25:42 AM »

Regarding British pipe threads -  about 15 yrs ago I got some very good Swiss radiators that were shipped to England before exported to the US - with British Pipe thread. We were stuck about how to connect them, until a year later, McMasters ( large contractor supply house) listed connectors with that thread on one side.

As to why Swiss radiators? We didn't make stylish, clean, heavyweight radiators here in the US. These were brought in by an inspired contractor/dealer in New York, where we saw them. So he did the heavy lifting.

Appia C10, Flavia 2000 coupe, Fulvia Fanalone
Permanent resident
Posts: 1487

« Reply #265 on: 11 February, 2022, 12:16:29 PM »

The 2CV has 7mm and 9mm threads here and there too.

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
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