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Author Topic: Lambda....the journey begins!  (Read 119085 times)
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Posts: 560

« Reply #90 on: 12 April, 2020, 07:48:37 PM »

Roger that David, I'll make shure to hammer on that.
Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #91 on: 12 April, 2020, 09:02:52 PM »

Looked like ali in the photos.  Lovely work (as ever!).

David Laver, Lewisham.
Posts: 560

« Reply #92 on: 21 April, 2020, 05:53:13 PM »

Time for an update.

I finally gathered some courage to start on drilling the holes in the painted body to fix the windscreen frames.  Drilling the holes on the side of the body was a bit exiting as the drilling was far from perpendicular to the material.  I ended up making sort of a stepped 16mm drill to get the job done, and finally the good old round file came to the rescue to finish off.  I then also drilled the internal frame that I made to support the screens under the scuttle, and welded the bits together.  After painting and refitting I was not happy with the result, so started all over again. (this had to do with the trim on the body not being in one plane, and the fit looked awkward with the window not being in one plane as a result.   I now tilted the pins slightly backwards to get all 4 pins lined up in the same plane, hope this makes sense.....) Today finally I got the frame in again in it's definitive form and the external frame (only made for positioning all the internal bits) slides in and out as it was intended.

Will have to do the blasting and painting over now before I can finaly fit it.

Also quite a bit of time was spend on planning the electrics and drawing up a diagram for the 'add ons' such as winkers, brake lights, wipers, electric fuel pump etc.
I decided to go ahead with the plan to hide the extra fuses and relays in a shallow steel box under the dashboard, so that the engine compartment keeps it's original look.

Bit slower progress as there was real work to do every now and then too....

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Posts: 560

« Reply #93 on: 24 April, 2020, 04:45:13 PM »

Moved more backwards now, did some more hole drilling in a bid to get rid of the welding in and near the body.  Considerable time was spend in measuring up and drawing the shape the roof has to get, and how high the support should slide out.
I now made the tubes inside the car and the supports, the round rolled flat iron is a dummy.  Through the wonders of the internet I landed on the website of a UK based company making all sorts of oval shaped tubing, even especially for Ferrari and Maserati chassis restaurations.  They also do smaller profiles perfect for the roof support, and deliver in small quantities!

It took a lot more time then I thought it would but I'm happy with the result so far...

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Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #94 on: 24 April, 2020, 04:59:30 PM »

Great news.  Which company is the supplier?

David Laver, Lewisham.
Posts: 560

« Reply #95 on: 24 April, 2020, 05:49:14 PM »

The oval tube company:

ProFormance Metals Limited
High March Close, High March Industrial Estate, Daventry, NN11 4EZ
Tel: (+44)1327 311660 or 0845 894 9776 (local rate)

I must say they are very responsive and helpfull, have not received the goods yet off course, will take a few weeks as they make the tube to order.

Posts: 560

« Reply #96 on: 26 April, 2020, 03:12:40 PM »

Yesterday was a 'real' work day, as the clients company was virtually empty I could go and do some maintenance....could get used to that: working on the Lambda during the week and real work only on saturdays....

Today I made up some bracing behind the seats.  'Originally' there was a bulkhead behind the seats, but I cut that out since it limited seating space enormously.  But I felt something had to be done now to strenghten the boy sideways.  Unbelievable what two 16mm tubes can do, it is feeling rock solid now. 
Next will be further strenghtening of the sides of the car going forward to the doors, as they are now weakened still by taking the bulkhead out. (which was something completely non original by the way)
Hope to get that in tomorrow...

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Posts: 560

« Reply #97 on: 29 April, 2020, 06:41:19 PM »

Little bit done today, untill real work came to interupt....

I made a base plate and pivot points for the wooden bulkhead (is that a good word for it?) behind the seats.  As the backrests can fold forward anyway, it seemed practical to have the wooden plate pivoting too, giving easy and quick access to the luggage compartment.  (the cover of the luggage compartment has to be taken off when opened and then has to be but somewhere...still thinking of making some kind of hinges but its not easy as the roof support bar is in the way.)

After making the wooden plate to size and attaching the pivots to it, it turned out the left hand side was ok, but on the right the plate would not pass the side of the body.

After a bit of fettling and correcting it now works fine.
Next step was preparing a new reinforcement for the side of the body that left enough room for the trim panel, and making a 'triangular' bracket to complete the reinforcement.
The bracket will be covered with the same leather as the side panel trim.

Once these reinforcements are ready I think I'm done with drilling and welding stuff together in a painted car....and then the cabling can go in.

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Permanent resident
Posts: 4390

« Reply #98 on: 29 April, 2020, 09:11:07 PM »

Thank you for the supplier link.  Lots of interesting stuff, and my son might appreciate that they sponsor / partner with Formula Student teams.  They also stock "engineering plastics".

David Laver, Lewisham.
Posts: 560

« Reply #99 on: 03 May, 2020, 02:34:52 PM »

Yesterday not so much time for the Lambda, i made cardboard templates for the side panels, and started on figuring out how to support them, but since it is all to be 3D shaped I'll have to get hold of some decent wood to make that be continued...

Today my girl asked me what I had been doing, I said to her I made a very special spanner to fasten the steering box nut.  Thats nuts! she said.... no no only one nut I replied....
But I then showed her the additional dashboard I made and all was well again...

It will be fitted in the center under the dash and contains all the stuff I wanted added in one go:

from left to right:

winker switch (with timer)
emergency winker switch and green lamp for winkers
water temp gauge
oil temp gauge
fuel pump switch and red oil pressure light
amp meter

The two lamps are age correct jeager item, very similar to the dashboard illumination lamps, and hold a festoon bulb.
I'm not at all impressed though by the light they generate, so as a test ordered a led signaling lamp that hopefully fits exactly inside.
I also have a small beeper that makes an incedible noise which I might add....

The winker switch is on the left, very ok for me as I'm left handed and this way its clear of the steering wheel.

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Posts: 560

« Reply #100 on: 04 May, 2020, 06:19:59 PM »

Again not much time to play today, but small things out of the way such as probe fitting the extra instrument panel.  Luckily someone reminded me in time of the little knobs under the dash for winding the clock and the resetting the trip meter.  I thought about that when designing the panel, but forgot about it completely....

I also tidied up the electrical conduits in the engine compartment, and drilled the necessary holes for fitting them, and then set about an experiment to copy the copper tubing that is around the radiator.

I flattened a piece of tube in the vise (will do that in a more proper way when making the real tube), leaving the ends round, then plugged one side, filled up with sand from the blasting cabinet, and plugged the other end.

The first two bends atempted were too sharp and ruined the piece, but the third one comes near what it should be.  again quite a bit of time spend to make tooling that will be used only twice....didnt tell the girls this time.....

I also was looking to front wheel bearings and the possible use of tapered roller bearings instead of the original setup.  Any experience here in this area?

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Permanent resident
Posts: 1487

« Reply #101 on: 04 May, 2020, 07:24:23 PM »

Your local plumbers' merchant would have supplied you with a coil spring to fit inside the pipe and allow bending it as far as you wanted and a bending tool as well.   I have one - somewhere...

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
Posts: 560

« Reply #102 on: 04 May, 2020, 07:51:24 PM »

Hi David,

That I have here, but: this is not a round tube, the Lambda tupe is oval or flattened in shape, and the normal plumbers tube bending tool's bending radius is way too large, making it sit in the way of the radiator.

I choose to flatten the tube before the bending, as flatening it after bending is even more difficult I think.
Permanent resident
Posts: 1487

« Reply #103 on: 06 May, 2020, 07:19:26 PM »

I don't  think either of mine is flattened, certainly the vIIth is round and I pretty sure the VIIIth is also but I cannot go and look just at the moment.

David Wheeler.  Lambdas, Aprilia, Fulvia Sport.(formerly Appia and Thema as well).
Posts: 560

« Reply #104 on: 06 May, 2020, 07:35:40 PM »

Weird, as I've seen two cars with supposedly original tubes (but both where 8th) and they both have flattened tubes.  But checking will only be possible if the radiator is out....
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