« Reply #15 on: 07 October, 2018, 10:24:22 AM » |
Thanks Dave. Have a local lmc member who is popping over this week who refurbished the carbs for me. I shall mention this to him. We had exactly the same problem before they were refurbished but definitely worth consideration because we are still using the same size jets.
« Reply #16 on: 07 October, 2018, 03:23:59 PM » |
Ok Dave. Thanks very much. When it's finally sorted I'll put a post up about the fix.
Posts: 14
« Reply #17 on: 11 November, 2018, 07:09:32 PM » |
I had the same issue on my Berlina. I tried all manner of tuning issues, engine mounts etc and a new throttle cable and then noticed a slight tendency for the engine to idle high at traffic lights. Problem was therefore diagnosed as a sticky throttle pedal bush - not apparent when just pushing the pedal by hand. I replaced the bush and problem solved. Now very smooth.
All the best
« Reply #18 on: 11 November, 2018, 08:29:46 PM » |
Thanks David. I'm away for a few months but will check that when we return. So many helpful comments. What I've just remembered is that there was a brake servo fitted which shouldn't have been to my my 1.2. The brakes were seizing so we removed it. The kangarooing started then. Could that make sense?

Posts: 570
« Reply #19 on: 13 November, 2018, 10:36:12 AM » |
Air leak via the servo pipe intake on the manifold? Andrea
Andrea Nistri
Ardea S2 Appia S2 Fulvia GTE Fulvia Sport 1.3 S Fulvia Montecarlo Fulvia Coupe 1.3 S
« Reply #20 on: 15 November, 2018, 10:16:11 AM » |
Yes Andrea that's what we thought it might be. When it is finally sorted I will post the fix.
Posts: 14
« Reply #21 on: 20 December, 2018, 10:52:42 PM » |
I had the same issue with my Berlina. Finally traced to a worn throttle pedal bush! Seemed Ok when operated by hand but it's deceptive. Worth changing the cable too.
All the best
« Reply #22 on: 27 December, 2018, 02:34:32 PM » |
Thanks David. But it revs fine at rest and reverse. Did your berlina do that ?
« Reply #23 on: 30 January, 2019, 08:37:09 AM » |
Hi. Sorry to bring this up again. I have just read a thread about the 123 distributer which I have fitted. It says you must have an electric tachograph cable rather than my manual one. Which actually stopped working when we fitted the new distributer. Is this a possibility for the severe kangarooing just when going forward ?
« Reply #24 on: 30 January, 2019, 08:37:38 AM » |
Hi. Sorry to bring this up again. I have just read a thread about the 123 distributer which I have fitted. It says you must have an electric tachograph cable rather than my manual one. Which actually stopped working when we fitted the new distributer. Is this a possibility for the severe kangarooing just when going forward ?

Posts: 346
« Reply #25 on: 31 January, 2019, 08:18:30 PM » |
I thought the Rev counters were electronic anyway, driven from the negative side of the coil. If your Kangarooing happens under load when accelerating it`s usually on the high tension side of the ignition eg. plug leads or coil king lead.
1600 HF. S2.
Rebel Poster

Posts: 840
« Reply #26 on: 31 January, 2019, 10:22:24 PM » |
Deleting a cable drive to the rev counter wouldn't affect the motor but I think I might be tempted to reinstate the original distributor to see if it improves your symptoms?
« Reply #27 on: 02 February, 2019, 07:27:22 AM » |
Thanks Guy. I would do that but the new distributer was installed to stop the kangarooing together with quite a few other parts. None of which have changed a thing. Not sure about that Jay. Way over my head. I just read that a 123 distributer needs electronic rather than manual cable. Away till end of march. Just sitting , thinking and worrying. Lots of ideas on this post to address when I get back to uk. Very frustrating as the car looks glorious but doesn't move forward.
« Reply #28 on: 13 July, 2019, 02:04:02 PM » |
Just a quick update. We have now had new gearbox and engine mounts fitted. New throttle cable and new rubber wheels under the accelerator pedal. A full refurb on the carbs have been carried out. Still kangaroos. Shall be looking at the slow running jets in a couple of weeks. We have also made sure there is no air leak into the manifold where an after market servo had been fitted. Hoping it's either going to be a problem with the new points or slow running jets. Shall report back.
« Reply #29 on: 25 November, 2019, 12:08:41 PM » |
It's fixed !!! Had it trailered to omicron. They went through everything and turned out to be a mixture of fuel pump that wasn't powerful enough and a brand new faulty distributor. The bill made my eyes water a little but to be honest I wish I'd have done it 2 years ago. Thanks for all your responses.