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Author Topic: Engine oil change and filter  (Read 4562 times)
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Posts: 84

« on: 19 January, 2018, 07:51:54 PM »

Please excuse a novice with his basic question.
Soon I shall have in my garage a Flavia Coupe 1800(1966) and the last oil change was some 12 years ago as the car comes from a deceased estate. The car has been standing for a while. So I need to get a new oil filter and seals. The Lancia Book says that you change the oil by removing the oil pressure assembly and crank the engine over pumping the oil out. How messy is that? but not all the oil will be pumped out I fear. I would like to remove the cover plate to access the oil strainer and give this a good clean as well and ask here, can one get new gasket for this cover plate? Also where can I get a new oil filter and seals and perhaps new “O” ring for the oil pressure assembly?
Any thoughts on flushing out all the old oil?
Many thanks to any replies.
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« Reply #1 on: 19 January, 2018, 09:49:09 PM »

Hi Colin, i certainly would not crank the engine over to pump oil out, If it does not run, then I would drain the old oil out using the sump plug, and change the filter which I think is just the one long bolt that goes through the filter canister.If the car can be got running, then I would see how dirty the oil is, and drain and replenish with a flushing oil and run until warm, and drain it all out leave overnight, and change filter too, and put fresh oil in. Re filters they are available no problem, someone on here will know a part number of a known manufacturer. Best join the Flavia Consortium, very helpful. Hope this helps

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« Reply #2 on: 19 January, 2018, 10:11:40 PM »

Fram Ch801PL New from wilco motor parts etc I think will fit - used in later Aurelia and Flaminias. around £10

As Roger says just drain fill with 20-50 mineral and change filter - get it running and if the oil get a dirty look quickly then use flushing oil.

Its not the winning but taking part! or is it taking apart?
1955 Aurelia B12
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« Reply #3 on: 07 April, 2024, 04:20:59 PM »

Soon I shall have in my garage a Flavia Coupe 1800(1966) and the last oil change was some 12 years ago as the car comes from a deceased estate. The car has been standing for a while. So I need to get a new oil filter and seals. The Lancia Book says that you change the oil by removing the oil pressure assembly and crank the engine over pumping the oil out.

Does anyone have any idea what Lancia book is being referred to here? It seems a heck of a palava for an oil change and there is no such instruction in the Owner's Manual nor in the Workshop far as I can see - though I may have missed it of course. Also, while we are at it, can anybody tell me what the second drain plug on the underside of the sump is, please? I'm talking about the aluminium one over towards the near--side (right hand side when looking from the front) of the ribbed sump casting. I hope it's not something important - mine is clearly un-shiftable and in fact the hexagonal recess in the plug has been completely rounded by former owners' attempts to get it out!

Gary Lowsley

1969 Flavia Coupe
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« Reply #4 on: 07 April, 2024, 05:21:49 PM »

Soon I shall have in my garage a Flavia Coupe 1800(1966) and the last oil change was some 12 years ago as the car comes from a deceased estate. The car has been standing for a while. So I need to get a new oil filter and seals. The Lancia Book says that you change the oil by removing the oil pressure assembly and crank the engine over pumping the oil out.

Does anyone have any idea what Lancia book is being referred to here? It seems a heck of a palava for an oil change and there is no such instruction in the Owner's Manual nor in the Workshop far as I can see - though I may have missed it of course. Also, while we are at it, can anybody tell me what the second drain plug on the underside of the sump is, please? I'm talking about the aluminium one over towards the near--side (right hand side when looking from the front) of the ribbed sump casting. I hope it's not something important - mine is clearly un-shiftable and in fact the hexagonal recess in the plug has been completely rounded by former owners' attempts to get it out!

I'm sure the Aluminium plug you refer to is a coolant drain, the oil one is the brass one i the circular plate as has been mentioned, I can check on mine as it's still on the engine stand but I'm sure that it's linked to a drain from under the cylinder liners through a passageway inbetween the passge where the pushrods go.

As for the base plate it will be simple enough to make a gasket from decent quality gasket paper although they are available from a few sources

The cranking the engine to empty the system is an odd suggestion isn't it. I'd be wary of running it for long like that even if just on the starter motor with the ignition disabled, soon can ruin bearings like that, I can only think that with a hot engine it would flush the oil from the cooler?

I would also advise to check the cooling system before running it, the waterways could well be clogged up with old anti-freeze. My car was full of furry residue from the Aluminium pieces corroding and a jelly like substance from the coolant.

Flavia 815 coupe
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Posts: 14

« Reply #5 on: 07 April, 2024, 07:34:22 PM »

Many thanks for that.
Do you happen to know if the water plug is the same (size, thread etc.) as the oil one - aside from being made of ali? It looks like I will need to extract it one way or another, and I'm not sure what sort of state it will be in when I finally get it out. Looks like replacement oil plugs are available.

Gary Lowsley

1969 Flavia Coupe
1969 Fulvia Sport
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Posts: 1620

« Reply #6 on: 07 April, 2024, 08:15:07 PM »

I would guess they are not removable to be resued so drilling out would be the option, then clean the threads and fit a new plug.
I've no idea on the thread size as mine was chewed too and wouldn't budge but having the engine in 2 halves meant I could clean out the block internally.
New plugs can be bought off eBay once you've found the size.

Flavia 815 coupe
Delta integrale
Posts: 14

« Reply #7 on: 07 April, 2024, 10:51:12 PM »

Many thanks.

Gary Lowsley

1969 Flavia Coupe
1969 Fulvia Sport
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