Title: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: 2Lancialan on 27 April, 2017, 10:10:41 AM I'm planning to fit a hazard warning light wiring circuit to my Fulvia Zagato. It is one of the small concessions to more modern technology that I'm happy to make, to make the car a little more usable by modern car standards. I've designed a circuit that should do the job, using the pre-existing spare pull switch in the middle of the dashboard. It involves using a double pole relay switch and a higher current rated flasher relay to activate all 6 indicator bulbs at the same time. I was just wondering if anyone else had done/attempted this already and what if any snags they ran into?
Many thanks, Alan Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: Caracad on 03 May, 2017, 12:21:02 PM Hi Alan,
Yes I've equipped my Coupe with hazard lights. Managed to get a pull switch from a series 1 Beta that matched. It's only a 2 pole switch, so used a relay to connect the LH & RH indicator supply wires to an additional standard flasher unit. You should find the LH & RH supply wires coming out of the indicator stalk switch. Blue I think. I did it a while ago so can't remember the exact wiring configuration, but sounds like your on the right track. Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: davidwheeler on 05 May, 2017, 06:08:21 PM I'm planning to fit a hazard warning light wiring circuit to my Fulvia Zagato. It is one of the small concessions to more modern technology that I'm happy to make, to make the car a little more usable by modern car standards. I've designed a circuit that should do the job, using the pre-existing spare pull switch in the middle of the dashboard. It involves using a double pole relay switch and a higher current rated flasher relay to activate all 6 indicator bulbs at the same time. I was just wondering if anyone else had done/attempted this already and what if any snags they ran into? Please publish your circuit - and then put it on the technical information thread. I suspect there are a number of us would like to do this.Many thanks, Alan Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: SanRemo78 on 05 May, 2017, 09:43:13 PM I completely rewired the Stratos replica a couple of years ago and struggled with the circuits for hazard warning lights causing an issue with the indicator switch (Fiat) in that indicating either left or right turned everything on when bench tested....
So I bought one of these kits. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HAZARD-WARNING-KIT-FOR-TRIKES-BIKES-ESSENTIAL-FOR-MOT-/201913152494?hash=item2f02f633ee:g:EY0AAOxy14VRRLP7 and merely replaced the on/off switch with a pull switch with a waring light in it. I also wired in a secondary motorcycle buzzer to remind me that the indicators/hazards are on. Because it's NOISY inside the Stratos replica! Guy Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: Walbarr on 06 May, 2017, 08:53:47 AM Its a bit of a cheat, but I purchased and LED emergency light with a magnet that you simply place on the car's roof when you hit a problem.
Saves messing about with the wiring and ideal for older cars? Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: Jay on 06 May, 2017, 09:09:01 PM I did the same as Walbarr brought mine from Lidl sorry Aldi for £3.99 http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8699.0
Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: 2Lancialan on 08 May, 2017, 11:53:20 AM Alan
[/quote] Please publish your circuit - and then put it on the technical information thread. I suspect there are a number of us would like to do this. [/quote] Yes, certainly David. I was planning to do just that. Going to see how the job goes first and how difficult/successful it is before I post up my circuit design. I want to make sure I test it thoroughly too before posting up any further information on how to do it. Don't want any of you guys to start blowing fuses either metaphorically or physically! Watch this space for more info in due course. Ciao, Alan Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: fay66 on 08 May, 2017, 11:49:21 PM I did the same as Walbarr brought mine from Lidl sorry Aldi for £3.99 http://www.lancia.myzen.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=8699.0 I bought 2 and they are great, as they have various flashing configurations. I bought these for simplicity and to save interfering with the original wiring, although by the time I bought these I'd already obtained the motorcycle flasher kit. Brian 8227 8) Title: Re: Hazard Warning Lights Post by: lancialulu on 10 May, 2017, 05:32:08 PM Interestingly the circuit is available in the English drivers handbook for both 1300/1600 coupe/sport as supplementary wiring diagrams for cars fitted with emergency signalling (hazard warning). Uses a multi pole change over panel switch and separate flasher. I have this installed on my 1600HF and 1600 Sport I think by the factory....