Title: Winter Marathon Post by: SanRemo78 on 04 February, 2014, 12:04:00 PM Aprilias take First, Second and Fourth on the Winter Marathon!!
http://www.classicandsportscar.com/news/historic-motor-sport/aprilias-take-three-of-the-top-four-spots-on-icy-winter-marathon?utm_source=Silverpop&utm_medium=EMAIL&utm_campaign=CLAS%20email%20newsletter%20(04.02.2014)&utm_content=second_top_link_1 Guy Title: Re: Winter Marathon Post by: SanRemo78 on 04 February, 2014, 12:08:54 PM Oh, and an Appia was Fifth…..
Title: Re: Winter Marathon Post by: peterbaker on 04 February, 2014, 01:51:58 PM Great result.
Title: Re: Winter Marathon Post by: davidwheeler on 08 February, 2014, 11:37:13 AM I remember driving my Aprilia at absurd speeds across packed snow roads on the top of Mendip some 44 years ago and thinking how sure footed it felt.