Title: On the road again Post by: fensaddler on 18 September, 2012, 07:18:59 AM Breaking news, almost a year after taking my Delta off the road in the UK and sticking it into a shipping container bound for Australia, I am finally road legal in Aus. A registration number was issues today and plates are currently being fixed on. It's been a marathon, but we've got there at last...
Title: Re: On the road again Post by: ben on 18 September, 2012, 10:19:09 AM So did you have to install Side Impact Bars and crash test them?
Seriously though congratulations. See you at Castlemaine 2013! Ben Title: Re: On the road again Post by: fensaddler on 18 September, 2012, 12:00:24 PM Not quite that bad! Just child seat anchors in the rear (which will never be used...).