Lancia Motor Club

General => General Chat => Topic started by: needmorelancias on 23 October, 2011, 04:56:27 PM

Title: hello there.
Post by: needmorelancias on 23 October, 2011, 04:56:27 PM
Just thought that being a newish member to the forum i would say hi!!
I own 7 lancias and yes you guessed it, none on the road yet!! haha.
Is there any other members who live in storrington, west sussex, i do!!
Amazing club, very friendly and helpful people!!
I do want more lancias too!!! perhaps one moted!! what have you got local??
Be nice to have see more lancias on the road!! Perhaps even mine!!


Title: Re: hello there.
Post by: thecolonel on 23 October, 2011, 05:51:26 PM
Hi yourself, welcome to the forum,
I expect there's a few down yourway
I'm Hampshire, but officially I have to
be ignored, or at least kept at arms length.

Chin chin

Title: Re: hello there.
Post by: Neil on 23 October, 2011, 07:10:03 PM
Hello, best come to Surrey monthly pub meeting, we had 4 Lancias there last Thursday evening, next meeting is 17/11, hopefully you can get one on the road soon and come along, I reckon it is about 25 miles to Abinger Common, let me know if you would like some more details.