Title: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: Daytonadream on 15 March, 2010, 09:11:07 PM Could someone advise what type (no) leaf spring is used for the zagato sport S2 1.6.
Is it silent block 1 or 2 ? Thanks Stu Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: lancialulu on 15 March, 2010, 10:47:27 PM Same as all S2 coupes. Single silent block at front, and silent block and hangers at rear.
Tim Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: ncundy on 16 March, 2010, 09:44:54 AM I'm not sure I understand your question? Do you mean how many silent blocks are in the system or what is the part number of the spring?
Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: chugga boom on 16 March, 2010, 12:49:10 PM from what i have seen some early s2 cars have the same mounts on the front of the rear spring as an s1 car and also have tubular top front wishbones, later s2 vehicles seem to have silent block front mounts on the rear springs and pressed steel top wishbones, DONT HOLD ME TO THIS!!! this is what i've seen on cars i've owned / broken up/and worked on, no idea on a zagato i would tend to agree with tim and imagine they should be just the same as late coupe s2/3 1.3 / 1.6 rear springs
Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: Daytonadream on 16 March, 2010, 05:43:04 PM I have now been told by the person who has these springs that they are (type2 silent block)
So are they the correct type for a S2? Sorry for not be clear on the first post. Stu Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: Richard Fridd on 16 March, 2010, 06:01:31 PM Stuart,as you are just up the road i can have a look for you if it would help.i would guess yours are the series 2 [silentblock both ends of spring] type as you have an s2 bodyshell.richard
Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: ncundy on 16 March, 2010, 06:27:25 PM Coupe and Sport springs (we are discussing the leaf springs aren't we?) are all the same for the S2. They have a static (unloaded camber) of:
front - 143mm rear - 138mm This is different on the S1 cars. But I still don't understand the reference to the silentblock - they're the same on all Fulvias regardless of model type. The S2 even has the same part number as the S1's. ??? Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: lancialulu on 16 March, 2010, 09:40:44 PM S1 springs have one silent block at the rear whereas S2/3 have silent blocks at front as well.
Generally the springs (S2/3) are supplied with the front silent block, the rear being a seperate item. S1's bolt the the front long leaf of the spring on to a mounting which has its own silent blocks. If you are refitting the springs take care to lock the rear silent block onto its hanger, with the right compression (80mm gap from top of spring mounting plate to bump stop) - failure to do this will give a jacked up car and possibly tear the silent blocks. Tim Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: ncundy on 16 March, 2010, 10:24:38 PM Ok - I'm with you now ;D
Later Coupes and Sports S1 cars did have the two silent blocks on the rear spring according to the TAV (although mine doesn't). Still confused about the front spring though as I can't see any difference in the TAV nor on the S2 car in my dads garage? Any pictures? Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: roddy on 18 March, 2010, 11:40:32 PM Early Series 2 cars (both coupé and Sport), ie. those known as S1.5, could still have rear springs using the same 8mm bolt fixing on to the front silentbloc as used in the Series 1 cars, but with the leaves set to give the Series 2 ride-height. Heavens knows at what chassis number they changed to the large eyelet mainleaf front mounting. Steuart - HAN is well into the pure S2 range of chassis numbers, and will have large front eyelets/bushes. Remember, the rear shackles have a bush in the spring eyelet, as well as a bush in the chassis rail - under the bolted-on plate.
Regards - Roddy Title: Re: Leaf springs 1 or 2? Post by: lancialulu on 19 March, 2010, 07:23:08 AM My S1.5 (tubular front suspension and S1 driveshafts, all else S2 ie 5 speed box and girling brakes) 1300 has the single front silent block - chassis no 7827 c 1971.
My 1600 Sport and HF all have same. Tav 56A shows various chassis numbers of S2's (including early 1600 sports) that purport to have the earlier design. It seems that if the chassis number of your 1600 sport is not an early (ie c 1000) number it should have the later type. Roddy is right also on the rear shackle mounting "buried" in the rear of the chassis. These are B****Rs to get out if the car has seen some action. But necessary as they do tear/rot etc. Tim |