Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Fulvia => Topic started by: thegadsby on 31 January, 2010, 09:21:20 AM

Title: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: thegadsby on 31 January, 2010, 09:21:20 AM
I am currently restoring my Lancia Fulvia series 1 coupe

I would like to replace all of the front subframe mounting bolts, which are a non standard length

Does any one out there have an indea where these could be obtained?



Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: angelorange on 05 February, 2010, 06:56:16 PM
Try Pitline Roma or Cavalitto.

Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: thegadsby on 06 February, 2010, 06:43:35 PM

molti ringraziamenti per il quel vederanno se può ottenere le punte rquired

Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: thegadsby on 08 February, 2010, 06:52:10 PM
if any one breaking a fulvia some reasonable second hand bolts would be Ok

I have 2 that are badly stripped and dont want to reusue


Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: Neale on 08 February, 2010, 07:12:59 PM
You could try the non standard socket screw company in Birmingham for new bolts, or otherwise email me with what you need ( and I'll see if I've got some used ones. If the threads are duff what are the nuts in the shell (sills and chassis legs) or the threads in the alloy towers like, if you have to rethread the captive bits you might as well go up a bolt size and change to a standard ISO thread, and bore out the alloy retention cones.  A courser thread makes more sense in components exposed to the vagaries of weather and salt anyway.

Best wishes, Neale

Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: thegadsby on 09 February, 2010, 05:20:05 PM
Hi there

thanks for the reply

the captive nuts are fine and have recut the threads

4 off of the main bolts in fair order would be great can recut with a die


Title: Re: lancia subfrome mounting bolts
Post by: ncundy on 09 February, 2010, 05:33:56 PM
John, ask Neale about the roller bearing front spring mount. I have seen one he has made - very nice.