Title: Fulvia 3 Coupe and Fulvia Coupe (1.3) rally car for sale in Scotland Post by: A1.6HPE on 20 August, 2009, 09:45:21 PM Hello all,
At a show last weekend I was approached by a chap who is selling a very nice S3 Coupe and a dismantled S2 (I think) 1.3 Coupe that has been rally prepared (and used for the Montecarlo Historique). Cars are in the Bathgate area of Scotland. The standard car looks very good (photos) and was imported from Italy a few years ago and seen hardly any road use in that time. It is UK registered and is left hand drive. Rally car is dismantled, not sure why, but comes with some new parts that were purchased for fitting to it. Email me on lancia(AT)tesco.net for contact details. Seller also has a (rough looking) Beta VX engine and transmission for sale (supercharger is present but not the carburettor). Leo A Capaldi |