Title: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: waterman42 on 09 February, 2024, 03:00:45 PM Planning to fit retractable/inertia reel belts. Any photo I have seen shows the reels at the shoulder level fixing in the rear below the side window. On my previous similar vintage coupe the reel was less obtrusive at the B post floor/sill position. I've tried that on my Fulvia and other than requiring a bit more of a pull as it has to feed through the rear swivel fixing it seems to work OK (am using Securon belt with the adjustable angle facility). Any reason why I shouldn't put it there?
Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: dhla40 on 09 February, 2024, 04:31:35 PM I too have used these belts in Fulvia and Alfa GT junior, in the Fulvia I have them mounted under the window as I am unlikely to ever carry any rear seat passengers. In the Alfa I mounted them on the floor, both work well as long as the adjuster is in the correct position to prevent locking when unreeled.
Sean Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: HBG on 09 February, 2024, 05:10:18 PM I fitted mine in the void behind the rear side trim panel. Carefully cut a slot in the hardboard, glued the vinyl back and fitted the swivel to the original mounting. Looks neat and works well. I'll try and find some pics.
Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: HBG on 09 February, 2024, 05:26:18 PM This pic shows the general arrangement. I had to get some correct grade bolts and use a small spacer to get the belt to bolt up tightly to the structure. After this installation I changed the belts to shorter versions in black as I wasn't happy with the way they retracted.
You must be sure that you're personally happy with the mounting point as this is non standard. Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: HBG on 09 February, 2024, 05:34:00 PM Another pic
Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: waterman42 on 09 February, 2024, 05:51:49 PM That's really innovative. Looks as if it was designed that way, like you see in modern cars where the belt emerges from a slot in the B pillar. My only concern would be the strength of the bodywork 'web' to which you have fixed the reel. Would benefit from a stout washer plate, perhaps both sides.
Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: HBG on 09 February, 2024, 06:16:23 PM Indeed, there are washers in the final fit up. Due to the profile of the metal only small (same size as the bolt head) can be used. I got the idea for this location from a pic on the website of a well known seat belt installation company. They were happy with the fixing location and so am I.
Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: SanRemo78 on 10 February, 2024, 12:49:44 PM Have a look at a later series Beta Coupe or HPE? The inertia reels are inside the wing void and there is a bracket that raises the upper mount above window level with a couple of bolted fixings to the inner bodywork.
Guy Title: Re: Where to put the reel for retractable seat belts Post by: waterman42 on 11 February, 2024, 03:40:09 PM Thanks for those responses, the idea of hidden wing location would be my preferred, except that the interior was treated to a smart leather re-trim by the previous owner so for now I'll stick with the floor position.