Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Fulvia => Topic started by: Beckerman67 on 24 September, 2021, 08:08:56 AM

Title: Brake Disc Retaining Screws
Post by: Beckerman67 on 24 September, 2021, 08:08:56 AM
 I'm about to have the front brake discs replaced on my 1972 1.3s S2 Coupe.
 I've managed to obtain everything needed except for some new retaining screws.
 I was going to buy some as a back-up just in case the old ones needed drilling out.
 Does anyone know the specifications and/or a supplier.

 Many Thanks.

Title: Re: Brake Disc Retaining Screws
Post by: davidwheeler on 26 September, 2021, 09:44:04 PM
As I recall they are standard metric countersunk screws available in any Screwfix etc.  Nothing special about them, they do not take any strain as the discs are really held in place by the wheel studs.

Title: Re: Brake Disc Retaining Screws
Post by: lancialulu on 27 September, 2021, 06:29:16 AM
I think they are m8 bolts (with tab washers IIRC) Not sure of length but something like 30mm. Any fastner store will be able to match once you have got one out. The double tab washer can be reused if not fatigued. Other wise you probably will need to make them up. Dont use spring washers. Brakes can get red hot and the spring washers will detemper and also crack.

Title: Re: Brake Disc Retaining Screws
Post by: dhla40 on 27 September, 2021, 08:33:52 AM
Check bolt grade, they may be 10.9
