Lancia Motor Club

Model Technical and Interest => Flavia => Topic started by: msh2908 on 27 March, 2021, 06:31:18 PM

Title: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: msh2908 on 27 March, 2021, 06:31:18 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm getting a powerful whiff of petrol in the cabin when I drive.  It gets stronger when the window is open - any thoughts?


Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: neil-yaj396 on 28 March, 2021, 10:18:11 AM
Could be any of your flexible fuel pipes. They fail from the inside due to the ethanol in modern fuel. If they are braided it is even worse as the braiding soaks up the leaking fuel. I'd try the under bonnet ones first if the smell is more obvious when driving, but be prepared to change them all if they are more that 4 or 5 years old.

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: lancialulu on 28 March, 2021, 11:32:35 AM
Also look under the mat/carpet in the boot in case the top of the tank has rotted out.

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: lancialulu on 28 March, 2021, 11:33:08 AM
Oh and stop driving it till you find the source of leak!!!

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: JohnMillham on 28 March, 2021, 01:50:33 PM
My 2000 Coupe sprung a huge leak years ago and flooded the engine compartment with petrol. I was very lucky it didn't catch fire, as it came out at high pressure and went absolutely everywhere! I stopped immediately, on a hill, and saw petrol pouring down the hill behind me. My lucky day!

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: bobhenry999 on 28 March, 2021, 02:18:26 PM
I concur with Tim about it possibly being the top of the tank having rotted away, as I’ve had that on a number of Flavia/2000’s over the years.


Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: GerardJPC on 28 March, 2021, 05:11:23 PM
Re Ethanol: if you have an Esso garage near you, Esso Supreme 99+ is ethanol free in many areas, but not all - the Esso website tells you which ones. 

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: msh2908 on 03 April, 2021, 11:29:18 AM
Thanks everyone.  The smell is only there when the windows are open - therefore the tank option sounds about right. There are no leaks or smells from the the engine bay. The breather system in the boot looks a bit 'Heath-Robinson' - does this cause problems?


Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: Angle Grinder on 05 April, 2021, 03:59:33 PM
I have a strong petrol pong in the boot but there are no obvious pores in the top of the tank. In saying that, it is not unblemished a vapour will find a way through any mildly porous membrane.

In my case, I think it more likely to be the rubber gasket around the fuel gauge sender that is allowing the fumes out. Just need to find a supplier for a new one.

Title: Re: 1970 Flavia Coupe 2000 - Petrol smell
Post by: lancialulu on 05 April, 2021, 09:51:41 PM
I have a strong petrol pong in the boot but there are no obvious pores in the top of the tank. In saying that, it is not unblemished a vapour will find a way through any mildly porous membrane.

In my case, I think it more likely to be the rubber gasket around the fuel gauge sender that is allowing the fumes out. Just need to find a supplier for a new one.

those gaskets are used by contemporary Italian cars like the Fiat 500. Ricambio springs to mind as a source