Title: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: Fulvia67 on 14 October, 2020, 03:38:46 PM Hi - after several years on the 'shelf' our Series 1 coupe rebuild is finally progressing. All sheet metal is complete, base coat painted and chassis and electrical re assembly well under way.
However, I am struggling with the brakes, and hoping to get some advice. Specifically with the Brake Master Cylinder now finally rebuilt and installation of the brake pipes nearly complete I would greatly appreciate confirmation of the porting at the master cylinder - its a non servo RHD car. There are two side ports - can anyone confirm which one is for the front brakes (split L and R via a double banjo) and which to the rear? Any advice would be most welcome. Title: Re: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: nistri on 15 October, 2020, 08:13:30 AM Please see scheme from factory parts book, Andrea
Title: Re: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: Fulvia67 on 15 October, 2020, 12:40:36 PM Thank you Andrea, I had looked at the factory part book, and now happy to have your advice that it does apply to my 818.331 Fulvia Coupe Rallye 1.3
Tim Title: Re: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: lancialulu on 15 October, 2020, 03:04:46 PM Thank you Andrea, I had looked at the factory part book, and now happy to have your advice that it does apply to my 818.331 Fulvia Coupe Rallye 1.3 If you have remote servo then this is the other plumbing page. Bear in mind differences twixt RHD and LHDTim Title: Re: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: nistri on 15 October, 2020, 03:24:56 PM Unless your car has been modified, the scheme applies also to the 330/331 rallye. Andrea
Title: Re: Series 1 Coupe - Master Cylinder ports? Post by: lancialulu on 15 October, 2020, 04:05:56 PM Thank you Andrea, I had looked at the factory part book, and now happy to have your advice that it does apply to my 818.331 Fulvia Coupe Rallye 1.3 If you have remote servo then this is the other plumbing page. Bear in mind differences twixt RHD and LHDTim |