Title: 2000HF PETROL TANK Post by: David Bieda on 14 September, 2019, 03:10:22 PM Does anyone know the whereabouts of a new one or a repair company?
David Bieda db@sixty8.com Title: Re: 2000HF PETROL TANK Post by: Scott on 16 September, 2019, 10:18:13 PM New ones do exist e.g. http://www.classiclancia.com/car-parts/lancia-flavia-petrol-tank (http://www.classiclancia.com/car-parts/lancia-flavia-petrol-tank)
In lieu of someone coming back with a "I can recommend...", a web search indicates there seem to be plenty of companies who can do fuel tank repairs e.g. Aaron Radiator get generally good reviews and have been around a fair while. |