Hi All,
www.rallyday.comI've spoken with the organisers of the event confirming that the club would like to attend with a stand and would also like a track session. This will be (as last year) a joint stand /track session with Club LanciaSport and also sited near to the Stratos owners (celebrating 40 years). The track session is limited to 20 places and and the clubs will split this on a first come first served basis.
I'll confirm the costs this weekend but should be approx £18 entry and paddock parking and £25 for the session.
For those not having been before, this is a rally themed event (so most Lancias particularly integrale, fulvia, montecarlo etc). It's a great spectator event with plenty of rally based action on the circuit during the day.
If you're interested please drop me a line or reply to the thread and then I'll send out details of how to pay (when confirmed). Any questions , please ask and I'll update the topic with answers.